America' Next Top Model cycle 15th starts this Wednesday, Sept 8th! To get excited I've decided to post my top 8 favorite contestants and their best photo of the cycle.
1. Nicole Fox- Cycle 13 (Winner) |
>>>>>2. CariDee English-Cycle 7 (Winner)
| <><><><>
3. Nicole Linkletter-Cycle 5 (Winner)
4. Kahlen Rondot- Cycle 4 (Runner-up)
5. Brittany Brower- Cycle 4 (4th)
6. Allison Harvard- Cycle 12 (Runner up) |
7. Laura Kirkpatrick- Cycle 13 (Runner up)
8. Katarzyna Dolinska-Cycle 8 (5th)
Okay, that was actually harder than I thought! I couldn't find all the pictures that I wanted. Oh well. Comment if you agree/disagree or think I missed someone. And watch Top Model Wed at 8pm!
P.S. I can't get the two pictures of Nicole Linkletter off! I don't know why they are up there before CariDee. Becky, can you help me with this?? haha. When I click the picture it doesn't give me the option to delete... I'm giving up trying to fix it cause I'm getting so frustrated! Ugh! |
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